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Sally Hurme (Part 2)

Episode 52: Finding Purpose in Retirement, with Sally Hurme (Part 2 of 3) Sally Balch Hurme is an estate planning elder law attorney and an author ...

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Patricia Barry

Episode 49: How To Get the Most Out of Medicare, with Patricia Barry Good afternoon everyone, my name is Lynn S. Evans, and I am the ...

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Friday Fables, Episode 6

Friday Fables, Episode 6: Getting Clear On What You Want During Retirement Welcome to this week’s Friday Fable. Today, Lynn tells us a short story about a physician ...

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Elaine Floyd

Episode 47: What Baby Boomer Women Need to Know About Social Security and Medicare, with Elaine Floyd Good afternoon everyone, my name is Lynn S. Evans and ...

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Nancy Burns

Episode 40: How Reverse Mortgages Can Benefit You During Retirement, with Nancy Burns Good afternoon, everyone. My name is Lynn S. Evans and I am ...

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