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Dr. Devona Williams

Episode 15: Have a Long-Term Financial Plan, with Dr. Devona Williams

Dr. Devona Williams founded Goeins-Williams Associates, Inc., (GWA) a successful performance consulting business in 1986 to help organizations achieve greater productivity in strategic work environments. As President/CEO of GWA, Dr. Williams has contributed her talents to helping more than 50000 individuals in hundreds of organizations increase their performance and effectiveness. GWA focuses on People, Process and Performance™ and works with clients to develop solutions to meet organizational and individual objectives and achieve lasting results.

Williams is a frequent keynote speaker on business, diversity, leadership, motivation, and success willfully shares her philosophy strategies for overcoming obstacles in her career and personal challenges to live her dreams and deliver content to motivate and inspire others. Dr. Devona is author of The Intentional Consultant: How to grow a sustainable consulting business, and contributing author to the inspirational book, Remarkable Women and creator of the national best selling Spice of Life® Diversity Card training tool.

What you’ll learn about in this episode:

  • How Devona has sustained her business for as long as she has
  • How Devona made the leap from being an employee to starting her own business
  • The services Devona’s business provides
  • Devona’s book
  • How Devona’s business survived 2008
  • What life was like growing up for Devona and how her entrepreneurial spirit was born in those days
  • How Devona earned and spent money as a child
  • Strategies for increasing the value of your assets long term
  • Marriage, having a child, divorce, and other defining moments in Devona’s life
  • What Devona learned as an executor for her mom’s estate
  • Why Devona doesn’t see herself retiring completely but is looking at making changes in the next couple years

Ways to contact Devona:


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