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Dr. Eliza Chin [Part 1]

Episode 16: Balancing Career and Family, with Dr. Eliza Chin

Dr. Eliza Chin is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine at UCSF. She has been actively involved in AMWA for over a decade, serving as President during AMWA’s 95th Anniversary Year. She has a particular interest in the history of women in medicine and the stories of women physicians during all stages of their careers. She is the author of, This Side of Doctoring: Reflections from Women in Medicine. Working with and collaborating with women physicians leaders is her passion and she is honored to be AMWA’s Executive Director, to serve the organization that has provided her with so much support. Dr. Chin is a graduate of UC Berkeley, Harvard Medical School, and Columbia University, Mailman School of Public Health. She was Assistant Professor of Medicine at Columbia for many years before relocating to California where she continues to teach medical students and practice medicine part-time.

What you’ll learn about in this episode:

  • How Dr. Chin is able to practice medicine part-time and balance everything else in her life
  • The different phases of Dr. Chin’s life where different aspects of her life were her main focus
  • Why Dr. Chin brought her kids to work — and how that impacted the lives of her children and her patients
  • The niche of medicine that she practices and the challenges and rewards that come with that niche
  • What it’s like working with patients at the end of their lives
  • The most memorable stories she learned from her elderly patients
  • Getting past feeling overwhelmed after the birth of her second child
  • Dr. Chin’s book “This Side of Doctoring: Reflections from Women in Medicine”
  • Why she decided — for a brief period of time — to take some time to be a stay at home mom
  • Why Dr. Chin moved around based on opportunities for her husband’s career (he’s also a physician) and why that was more than okay with her
  • Why she would love to move back to New York


Part 2 of our interview with Dr. Chin will air on 11/16/2016.


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